Train With Larry

 Learn Why Wendy Davis, Star of Army Wives 
for 7 Seasons, is in Our Mastery Program

                                                                                                                                                            See Wendy's IMDB


Bring Larry To Your School

The Mastery Residency with Larry

Bring Larry to your College or High School in Fall, 2025. For a whole week, Larry will lead acting classes, public demonstrations, Q&A sessions and his renowned, Character Formula event. Larry will customize the week to perfectly fit your students and your class schedule. Learn more by clicking the button below...


More Student Comments...

Larry is known as "The Teachers Teacher"

Watch this video & learn why...

“Larry Silverberg is truly a Master Teacher. This work is very important. After attending the summer training programs with Larry, I was so enthusiastic that I have sent three of my faculty and I encourage other actors and teachers to take this extraordinary training program!”

Barbara MacKenzie Wood

Carnegie Mellon School of Drama
“In my 30 years of teaching, I have studied with Master Teachers from around the world. Larry is a Master Teacher of the highest caliber. Larry's teaching is nothing short of brilliant and my teaching has improved immeasurably as a result of observing him in action."

Trudie Kessler

 DePaul University Theatre School

"Plain and simply, Larry Silverberg is the most effective teacher of acting
I have ever been privileged to work with." 

Robert McDonald

Graduate, Yale School 
of Drama
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"Larry Silverberg is arguably the foremost master acting teacher of our time."   Midwest Books

Feature Film Directors from Europe Talk About Training With Larry

Brand New Book, Larry's Meisner Complete! Here's the rave review from Midwest Book Reviews...
"Larry Silverberg is arguably the foremost master acting teacher of our time. He is especially renowned for his best selling books on the Meisner Approach to acting.

In "Meisner Complete", Silverberg provides aspiring actors and acting teachers with a complete update of his previous four Meisner workbooks.

With "Meisner Complete", even the most novice of acting students can learn a lot by a simple reading, or just doing the exercises and venturing into the unknown -- the creative zone.
Expertly written and thoroughly 'user friendly' in organization and presentation, "Meisner Complete" is an ideal acting class curriculum textbook and especially recommended for personal, professional, community, and academic library Performing Arts collections and supplemental studies lists."

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